The Daughter - Ashley Danielle Flores

To start things off, you may be wondering why I chose Felicia's Daughter as the name of my blog. I often hear people comment about blogs written by "average" people like myself and the usual remark is "What makes them so special that I should read their blog?"

If you have ever seen the movie Spanglish, then you have probably heard one of my favorite quotes of all time:
"My identity rest firmly, and thoroughly, on one fact...I am my mother's daughter."
Everything I am is because God chose to have me born into the family I was, and raised by an amazing, Black woman who was appropriately given the name Felicia, which means "happiness" in the Latin culture. Being her daughter is where I get my love for reading, my passion for writing, and my uncontrollable way of voicing my opinion on everything. Even though the Lord called her home in 2010, my mother is still my rock. She was always there to comfort me, to praise me, to discipline me (like I ever mess up, lol) and to show me exactly what a woman of God should be. 

I am a recent graduate of the University of South Alabama where I obtained a B.A. in Communications/Print Journalism and a minor in Professional Writing, and have a M.A. in Executive Leadership in Human Services (Christian Counseling) from Liberty University.  In 2007, my eldest sister and I founded Code BLUE Youth Mentoring Program, which is dedicated to encouraging young girls from difficult backgrounds to “stand out in a good way” by breaking the negative stereotypes society has set for them. We spend a lot of time teaching the girls the benefits of going to college and to take an active role in the betterment of their communities, even at such a young age.

On December 16, 2011, I was blessed to become the wife of Shelton J. Flores and wear his name proudly! Our relationship has been quite a whirlwind, but it was all firmly planted in our love for God and we wouldn't change a thing. We both work in ministry. I am the Media Correspondent for a national Christian events and Bible study organization co-founded by Alicia Williamson Garcia, and he is the Interim Campus Director for a local church. We serve God, not because we want anything from Him, but because we are in a constant state of gratitude because He has shown us so much grace, mercy, and love.

Born and raised in Mobile, AL, I cheerfully wear the title of a true "Southern Belle" who is constantly emerged in political issues, community service, and her spiritual connection to God. At 25, I have made it a personal goal to serve my church family through my gift of writing and passion for working with underprivileged youth. I am also a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and enjoy reading and doing spoken word performances at local poetry spots. I’m young, determined, a little stubborn, can never get enough chocolate or Skittles, and have a strong faith in my Christian upbringing. I consider all of these a recipe for nothing less than greatness!

With A Servant's Heart,
Ashley Danielle